Notice is hereby given in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A, §20 that the Regular Meeting of the Commissioners of the Northampton Housing Authority will be held virtually on Monday,May 18, 2020 at 4:00PM. Due to social distancing guidelines related to the COVID-19 state of emergency, this
meeting will be held remotely, not at the Northampton Housing Authority offices. The public is invited to listen to the meeting via phone, computer, laptop or tablet. To do so call the conference line 646- 558-8656 at 4:00PM on May 18, 2020, enter the meeting ID which is 871 5131 4232, and then enter pass code of 051820 followed by the # sign. A participant ID is not required, you can press # to skip/continue if prompted. The board chair will instruct participants on the appropriate time and manner for resident and public comment during the meeting.