Health Connector and SNAP Benefits Update

Important Updates from DTA and the Health Connector. 

  1.  The Health Connector announced that Open Enrollment has been extended through March 23, 2021.
  2.  15% SNAP boost is starting 2/1, retroactive for January – How DTA will issue
    • The 15% boost (approximately $27 per person) will be issued on the same day as the supplemental payment – the second business day of the month. What this means:
      • on February 2, households will be issued the 15% boost amount for January. 
      • For those eligible for a supplement, they will get the supplement and the 15% boost amount on the same day. 
      • For those already at the maximum grant and therefore not eligible for a supplement (under current guidance), they will get the 15% boost amount only on the 2nd.
          • DTA will be sending text messages. DTA will not be mailing notices (just as no notices are mailed for the supplemental payments).

If you have any questions, please contact any of our Resident Services Coordinators. 

Visitor and Gardening Update

On April 16, 2020, to assist in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19, Northampton Housing Authority announced no visitors would be allowed to enter any Housing Authority property. This was done due to drastic increases in positive tests for COVID-19 across the state.

Following CDC, public health department, and Governor Baker’s reopening guidance, visitors are now permitted as of June 25, 2020. However, we encourage residents to arrange with their guest(s) to visit outside of the building versus in their apartments when possible, since COVID-19 is still around, it is critical that safety precautions are taken by all residents and their guest(s).

Visitors and Residents Should:

      • Wear a face masks or covering at all times when in common areas. In accordance with the Northampton Health Department Order, all persons shall wear a mask or face covering at all times where one cannot reasonably expect to maintain at least six feet of distance from all other persons at all times. Face coverings worn in accordance with this Order shall be any cloth that securely covers the customer’s nose and mouth, including but not limited to scarves, bandanas, turtlenecks or similar coverings.
      • Maintain at least six feet apart at all times and at buildings with an elevator, only one household should occupy the elevator at a time.
      • Limit their movement within the community to the resident’s apartment (reduce walking the halls, congregating in the lobbies and laundry facilities).
      • Report to the office any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or acute respiratory illness within 14 days after visiting by calling our main office at 413-584-4030 and selecting the option of the property you were visiting or texting us at that number.
      • Out-of-state visitor are encouraged to self-quarantine for 14 days following guidance by Governor Baker.

Northampton Housing Encourages:

      • Visitors limit physical contact by practicing social distancing recommendations such as no hand-shaking or hugging, and remaining at least six feet apart.
      • Residents/Gardeners to follow guidelines issued for safe gardening outdoors and continue where possible gardening in doors this season if possible.

Additional Garden Updates:

Effective Monday, June 29, 2020, gardening can resume!

We realize that this is planting season is well underway, and getting outside in nature is important during this crisis, however it’s important that everyone remember social contact increases the risk of spreading the virus. The housing authority is not able to monitor the gardens and therefore gardeners are asked to acknowledge the rules and abide by them.

That being said, we encourage you to exercise an abundance of caution during this time, if you choose to garden. We are asking that gardeners wear masks, keep a 6-foot distance from others, refrain from sharing tools, and have no more than two people present at one time in the gardening area.

Additionally, we ask gardeners to:

      • Communicate to all potential audiences that they should not visit the garden if they feel ill
      • Do not allow anyone with signs of illness on the site.
      • Postpone community events, as well as carry-ins, potlucks or self-serve food
      • Leave any garden gates open during hours of operation to avoid frequent contact
      • Stagger times for arrival/create an official schedule if possible
      • Enforce social distancing guidelines of remaining at least 6 feet apart at all times
      • Wear a mask or face covering.
      • Create and implement procedures to sanitize tools before and after garden work.

Please contact your property manager or resident services coordinator with any questions. 

Stay Well. 

Gardening at Northampton Housing

As you are aware, a no-visitor order was issued for all Northampton Housing Authority properties due to COVID-19 Pandemic. In accordance with the governor’s Stay-At-Home Advisory, unless you need to leave to acquire essential services, residents are encouraged to stay home. Unfortunately, this includes no gardening all our Northampton Housing Authority properties.  If you must leave your unit, wear a mask and gloves if possible. Practice social distancing. Your well-being and the well-being of those around you depend on this. 

We understand the importance of gardening and are saddened it is not safe to do so at this time to due the space constraints. necessary sanitation, and oversight required. As soon as we are able to allow gardening again, we will make an announcement to all. 

Please see our resources page for informtion about the free produce deliveries that occur at all of our properties if you are in need of any fresh fruit and vegetables. 

There are still many ways you can garden at home! Here are some websites with great ideas for the entire family, for an indoor garden or smaller spaces, like your front porch or balcony:


There are still a few plots available we are told from Grow Food Northampton which is more spacious that our garden areas and can accomodate social distancing easier.

You can visit their website at:

Plots are 20’x20’ full plots or 10’x20’ half plots. Either size costs $36 per year if leased before July 15. Senior Citizens (turning 65 or older this year) pay $28. Low-income gardeners enrolled in the SNAP program pay $10 and receive five buckets of free compost ($15 value). Plots leased after July 15 are half price. There is a $10 non-resident surcharge if you do not live in Northampton, Florence or Leeds.

Please contact Netanya Ortiz or Danielle McColgan on our Contact us Page or call our main number and press the number that corresponds to your property. They will be happy to help you obtain a plot or find answers to any questions you may have. 

May 2020 Regular Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A, §20 that the Regular Meeting of the Commissioners of the Northampton Housing Authority will be held virtually on Monday,May 18, 2020 at 4:00PM. Due to social distancing guidelines related to the COVID-19 state of emergency, this
meeting will be held remotely, not at the Northampton Housing Authority offices. The public is invited to listen to the meeting via phone, computer, laptop or tablet. To do so call the conference line 646- 558-8656 at 4:00PM on May 18, 2020, enter the meeting ID which is 871 5131 4232, and then enter pass code of 051820 followed by the # sign. A participant ID is not required, you can press # to skip/continue if prompted. The board chair will instruct participants on the appropriate time and manner for resident and public comment during the meeting.

COVID-19 Program Changes

There have been some recent changes by the Housing and Urban Development and Department of Housing and Community Development that change how we manage and oversee the daily operations of the programs we manage. 

Summary of Programs

        • Federal Programs – Florence Heights, McDonald House, and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
        • State Programs – Tobin Manor, Forsander, Walter Salvo House, Cahill Apartments, Hampshire Heights
                • If you are unsure what program you participate in, call our main line at (413) 584-4030 and any of our managers can help you at option 3 through 6.

Federal Programs Highlights

Rent Calculation

      • Annual Recertification’s are currently on hold, Interim Requests/Changes are still happening. You can do this by clicking here.
      • The $1200 per individual and $500 per child one-time federal stimulus payments are excluded from income for the purposes of the rent calculation.

Rental Payments

      • Public Housing tenants must still pay rent; Please contact your Property Manager if you need to discuss payment arrangements or any concerns.


      • Inspections are currently on hold, we will notify everyone when they are scheduled to start again for the safety of all.

For the full list please click here of waivers that have been adopted by Northampton Housing Authority effective May 1, 2020 following board of directors vote on April 30, 2020, please click here.

State Program Highlights

Rent Calculation

        • Annual Recertification’s are currently on hold, Interim Requests/Changes are still happening. You can do this by clicking here.
          • The Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) is hereby temporarily waiving its regulations at 760 CMR 6.04(4) (annual redetermination of rent) and 6.04(5)(a) (interim redetermination of rent) to require Local Housing Authorities (LHAs) to limit rent increases in state-aided public housing for the months of April, May, June and July, 2020.
          • We will still process interim rent determinations (also known as changes) but we may not increase rents charged to any tenant above the amount charged on March 1, 2020 until after July 31, 2020 or such later date as published by the Department.
          • Additionally, the Department is waiving the provisions of 760 CMR 5.06(1) regarding the income eligibility of applicants for state-aided housing in order to exclude from an applicant’s income the $600.00 the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation provided under Section 2104 of the CARES Act.. This benefit also shall not be counted as income in the calculation of rent for applicants who sign a lease with an LHA between March 29, 2020 and July 31, 2020.
        • The $1200 per individual and $500 per child one-time federal stimulus payments are excluded from income for the purposes of the rent calculation.
        • For information on the DHCD Waiver for Rent Increases, Click Here

Rent Payments


      • Inspections are currently on hold, we will notify everyone when they are scheduled to start again for the safety of all.

If you have any questions, please call our main line and select the option that best pertains to you or head to our contact us page. 

Special Board Meeting – April 2020

Notice is hereby given in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A, §20 that a Special Meeting of the Commissioners of the Northampton Housing Authority will be held  virtually on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 1:00PM. Due to social distancing guidelines related to the COVID-19 state of emergency, this meeting will be held remotely, not at the Northampton Housing Authority offices. The public is invited to listen to the meeting via phone, computer, laptop or tablet. To do so call the conference line 646-558-8656 at 1:00PM,  on April 30, 2020, enter the meeting ID which is 826 8540 5010, and enter passcode 043020 followed by the # sign. The board chair will instruct participants on the appropriate time and manner for resident and public comment during the meeting.

The agenda of the April Special Meeting shall be:

I.                    Call to order;
II.                  Roll Call;           
III.               New Business;

MOTION –                      Approve the Quarterly Financials.
RESOLUTION –        Approve FY20 State 400 Budget Revision.
MOTION –                 Accept the Application and Certificate for Payment No. 1. Salvo   Camera Install – FISH #214105
MOTION –                 Adopt selected HUD Waivers from HUD NOTICE PIH 2020-05 for Federal Public Housing and Section 8.

Any other business before the board


Northampton Housing Authority No Visitor Order

Given that our residents are some of the most “at risk,” during this pandemic, Northampton Housing Authority has determined that it has become necessary to take some drastic measures to try and protect all of our residents.   

It is not a stretch to compare our buildings density to nursing homes or cruise ships, where there are many occupants close together. 

We continue seeing many residents and visitors failing to follow Health Department guidance and Governors advisories. Many visitors and residents alike are going along as though things are “normal”. 

We feel at this time that it is crucial for the well-being of our communities and residents to restrict visitors. 

The official order is as follows:

ATTENTION ALL – April 16, 2020

Please be aware that the CDC and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health are warning of a surge in positive COVID-19 patients in the coming weeks. Massachusetts is already experiencing a drastic increase in the amount of residents testing positive for COVID-19.

Northampton Housing Authority, like some other housing authorities in the commonwealth, is implementing procedures to restrict visitation as necessary to protect the health of the residents and staff.

Effective 12:01 A.M. on Friday. April 17th 2020,  will be allowed to enter any Housing Authority property.

This does not apply to home health aides, visiting nurses, public safety personnel or other essential medical services granted that they have credentials and are wearing masks and gloves.

Residents can arrange with their visitor(s) to meet outside of the building for delivery of food, water, medicine and other items essential to a resident’s well-being. Residents and visitor(s) must wear masks and gloves when meeting.  

This shall remain in effect until further notice is provided by the Governors that the Public Health Emergency no longer exists and we are no longer under a State of Emergency.

An abundance of positive Covid-19 cases in any one building could possibly result in a quarantine of the entire building. As a resident it is vital that you act responsibly to avoid getting sick or making others sick.

You are hereby instructed to follow the visitor restrictions as listed above, and instructed to stay in your unit in accordance with the governor’s Stay-At-Home Advisory, unless you need to leave to acquire essential services. Unfortunately, this includes no gardening all our Northampton Housing Authority properties.  If you must leave your unit, wear a mask and gloves if possible.

Practice social distancing. Your well-being and the well-being of those around you depend on this!

Cara Leiper – Executive Director

New Food Resource

Grow Food Northampton will be offering a free weekly bag of fresh vegetables and shelf-stable food for residents at Northampton Housing Authority Properties.

At Florence Heights and Hampshire Heights, the program will run every Tuesday, and at Salvo, McDonald, Cahill, Forsander, and Tobin on Thursday’s! 

You can sign-up by clicking here or contacting:

Netanya Ortiz – Family RSC – (413) 326-4063

Summary of Resources Provided by Grow Food Northampton

Weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: Drive-up at Jackson Street School, times TBD. No signup required. 

Weekly on Tuesday’s: Pick up at school meal site or doorstep delivery at Hampshire Heights, Florence Heights, Meadowbrook, and 236 Pleasant St. Time: 11:00 am -12:00 pm. Doorstep delivery requires signup reflected above.

Weekly on Thursday’s: At Forsander, Tobin, Salvo, McDonald, and Cahill, between 11AM and 12PM, at the entrance to the community room/lobby or to your door. 

Northampton and the Northampton Survival Center are working together to bring you this food during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Emergency Child Care

You’ve likely heard by now that all child care programs in the state are closed and will remain so for as long as we are under a state of emergency. Temporary emergency back up child care has been set up an is opening as of today, Monday, March 23. Here is some further information about both of these issues. 

Emergency Back Up Child Care

      • Recognizing that some people still need to work and have no other option, the state has authorized some child care providers to provide emergency, back up, drop-in child care.
      • A list of providers is posted on EEC’s website, and more will be added. So far, there are are a few hundred such providers, most operating 7:30am or 8:30 am- 5:00 pm. EEC hopes to make the list more searchable, but for now, it’s posted as a PDF. 
      • Here’s who will have priority access, from EEC’s website:
          • Priority will be given to people including but not limited to health care workers, essential state and human service workers, COVID-19 health workers, grocery store employees, emergency response personnel, law enforcement, transportation and infrastructure workers, sanitation workers, DCF-involved families, and families living in shelters.
                • Based on a webinar with the Commissioner on Friday, it seems programs will use their discretion in deciding who gets care.
      • To access care, a family must call each provider to see if they have space on a day by day basis.
      • These programs will be completely free to families.
      • This is a fundamentally different program from regular early education. While there are health and safety requirements, they are not as stringent as regular early education. EEC has prioritized approving providers that already held EEC licenses, had a site visit in the past 6 months, and where all staff had completed background records checks.  
      • Families are encouraged to find other non-group care to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
      • Families will be provided a spot, to the extent available, day by day.
      • No transportation will be provided. Families need to find a way to get their children to the program and home each day.
      • Child care will be provided in center based settings, with no more than 2 classrooms open, with a max of 20 children in each classroom. Ages will be mixed. Normal rules about ratios do not apply. 
      • Child care will also be provided in family child care, i.e. providers in their homes. I believe that is limited to 10 children per provider.
      • The amount the state is paying providers will not cover the basic operating costs of running these programs. Programs are stepping up majorly to help our communities. DPH will prioritize COVID-19 testing for child care providers who may be exposed to coronavirus.

Child Care Closures

      • Although child care providers are closed, many private providers continue to charge families their regular tuition. Here’s what Attorney General Maura Healey’s office has put out about that.
      • Programs that receive child care subsidies will continue to be paid their full subsidized rate, with the state picking up the portion that would normally be paid through parent fees. To be clear, families with subsidized child care do not need to pay their regular parent fee to maintain their subsidy. 
      • When this is all over, families will get their subsidies back.

Please contact our Resident Services Coordinator Netanya Ortiz if you have any questions using our contact us page or clicking here.